Consequences of Not Paying Child Support in Ohio

Child Support in Ohio

Consequences of Not Paying Child Support in Ohio

January 22, 2015

Divorce is a challenging financial time, especially for those spouses who depend on continued child support payments from the non-custodial parent to provide for children of the marriage.  When the spouse ordered to pay child support fails to provide those payments, it can cause a financial strain and may harm the fragile relationship between children and their divorced parents.  Rather than worry whether or not you will receive payments, learn more about how Ohio courts will protect parents awarded custody and child support payments. 

In Ohio, failure to pay court-ordered child support payments result in multiple types of punishment.  Divorce decrees and child support orders are court orders.  Any breach of a court order is addressed as a serious matter.  If the child support-paying parent fails to make payments, the spouse who is denied these payments can petition the court for redress of his or her grievances.  One of the most common methods of extracting child support payments from an unwilling parent is to garnish wages.  In addition, the court can also enforce the previously ordered payments by suspending driving privileges, intercepting tax refunds, or assessing a property lien.  Work with a Columbus, Ohio child support lawyer to better understand which option will work best for your situation and what payment type you should request from the court. 

Private Divorce Judge Columbus

Should You Hire Your Own Private Divorce Judge ?

January 20, 2015

Divorce can be time-consuming and expensive.  With the numerous visits to the court, time away from other commitments, and expense of trial, many are turning toward private judges or arbitrators.  In some instances, it may be favorable to work with a private judge or arbitrator to avoid the public setting of the courthouse and to save time.  An Ohio statute has been on the books for nearly 40 years which allows private judges to handle civil cases like divorce and dissolution.  Work with a Columbus, Ohio divorce lawyer to learn if hiring a private judge is beneficial to your specific situation. 

You have the right to utilize a private judge or arbitrator when seeking a divorce.  This is especially beneficial if you and your spouse have very few contested matters and hope to keep the divorce a private matter.  Uncontested divorces are often heard and decided in a fraction of the time that would be needed for a contested divorce in the court system.  As in any arbitration case, the private judge or arbitrator will hear both sides of the civil matter, and present a decision to the parties.  The decision will then be submitted to the court for confirmation.  Again, this process is much faster than seeking divorce through the court system. 

Inheritance from Divorce

Protecting Your Inheritance from Divorce

January 13, 2015

Filing for divorce is never simple, especially when it comes to dividing marital assets.  Many are especially fearful of receiving any type of inheritance before or during the marriage.   Inheritance can take the form of a large cash payment, a house, or even a vehicle.  The way divorce attorneys and courts will treat these types of assets during divorce proceedings depends on how they were treated when received.  Rather than fret whether or not the funds can be included in the marital assets, review your presumed marital assets and individual assets with a divorce attorney in Columbus, Ohio. 

Marital property and individual property are treated differently in divorce, and thus must be accurately accounted for before dividing the assets.  Martial property is that which is acquired during the course of the marriage for the benefit of both spouses.  This can include vacation homes, marital homes, and any other property or asset purchased with joint funds.  Individual property includes the items owned by one spouse before the marriage, like a property purchased with individual funds before the marriage began, or any gifts given to one spouse and not the other.  Inheritance can fall into this category of individual property, as long as the inheriting spouse keeps the funds separate and doesn’t co-mingle the funds with marital funds. 




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