Terminating Child Support

Child support orders can be terminated for many reasons, some of which are related to a change in the child’s status, such as emancipation, marriage, or adoption. Other times, child support terminates because of a change in one or both of the parents’ statuses, for example, the obligor is out of work for a period of time or the obligor has become permanently disabled. When good cause exists to terminate a child support order, a motion must be filed with the court requesting the relief.

If you are obligated to pay child support (the obligor), you will want to take steps to terminate the order as soon as possible when good cause has arisen. If you are receiving child support (the obligee), and the obligor has moved to terminate the order when you think good cause does not exist, it will be necessary for your to defend against the motion. In either case, good representation is the key to protecting your rights.

At Edward F. Whipps & Associates we have decades of experience dealing with all aspects of child support and can assist you with termination of support when appropriate as well as defending against such when it is not.

Contact an Experienced Child Support Attorney in Columbus, Ohio

You may call to arrange a mutually convenient time for an initial consultation by calling our office at (614) 461-6006 or filling out this online contact form.



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