Military Divorce Procedures in Ohio

December 5, 2016

Military Divorce Procedures in Ohio

All divorces granted in Ohio proceed according to the laws and procedures of the state. While couples in which one or both partners serve in the military will face unique challenges to securing their most preferred outcomes, the actual steps each person must take to have their marriage terminated in Ohio do not differ from those that all other Ohioans must take.

The Columbus, Ohio, divorce attorneys with Edward F. Whipps and Associates detail the special considerations military members and their spouses must take in this blog post. Issues to discuss with a military divorce attorney include

  • Permissible delays for deployments and special assignments
  • Persistence of TRICARE health coverage for children
  • Child support beyond continued health coverage
  • Eligibility of the nonserving spouse for pension benefits
  • Eligibility of the nonserving spouse for ongoing TRICARE coverage
  • Continued access for the nonserving spouse to service member benefits such as shopping at an on-base commissary or exchange

The steps toward completing a divorce that do not differ for military couples seeking a divorce in Ohio include

  • Stating legal grounds for seeking a contested divorce (e.g., abandonment, adultery, extreme cruelty, addiction, bigamy)
  • Compiling and presenting complete financial, employment, and property records
  • Calculating needs and requests for spousal support and child support
  • Compiling and filing lists for the division of property
  • Responding to motions and requests from the other spouse
  • Submitting to court-ordered assessments in relation to requests for child custody and parenting time/visitation
  • Recording statements and depositions from family members and others who have knowledge of the marriage relationship
  • Participating in negotiation, mediation, and/or arbitration sessions before or instead of trial
  • Appearing in court to affirm and sign a divorce agreement

Both a civilian spouse and an active-duty member of the Armed Forces will benefit from working closely with an experienced and caring military divorce attorney in Columbus Ohio. Everyone encounters difficulties when trying to end a marriage. These obstacles and frustrations only get magnified when the physical distance, mental and emotional stress, and bureaucracy that often accompany military service come into play.

To receive advice or representation in your military divorce, contact Edward F. Whipps and Associates by calling 614.461.6006. You can also request a consultation and share some of your story by completing this online form.



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